Resources & Outreach
Providing Everything You Need
Arthur A. Armbrust Scholarship Loan Fund
Arthur, "Art" Armbrust spent his childhood in the Boneyfiddle area of Portsmouth. The First Presbyterian Church located in Boneyfiddle offered many activities at that time for the neighborhood children of which Art was one. This was the beginning of a lifetime relationship between Art and the church. Although his profession required that he live in multiple communities, he would always maintain contact with the current minister of the First Presbyterian Church. Upon his death in 1998 the church was notified that Art had endowed a fund to provide money for the Arthur A. Armbrust Student Loan Fund. The church administers the Fund for the benefit of area students.
For more information about the guidelines and how to obtain an application, contact the First Presbyterian Church office at 740-353-4259 or email at
Laundry of Love
Many of us can enjoy the privilege and convenience of having washers and dryers at home. However, it can be challenging for those who need to use laundromats, as they need to get loose change, lug their dirty laundry around, and sit and wait. Our laundromat outreach ministry provides limited loose change, bleach, and soap powder. We hope to brighten up your day with our "Laundry of Love" ministry and show the love of Christ in our community (please note that several laundromats in our area have closed. We are currently searching for a new location).
Presbyterian Women
Memorial for death of family member, bereavement meals, local mission (money for ID's for people exiting recovery programs), hygiene kits for schools, Presbytery and Church-wide Missions, Birthday Offering and Thank Offering for PW
Loaves & Fishes
Fishes and Loaves is an outreach established to respond to our community's needs in Portsmouth and Christ's call to feed the hungry. Every fifth Saturday, we open our hands and hearts, providing a hot meal, dessert, a drink, and a big smile. We intentionally collaborate with other churches that assist other days of the month.